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Günstige Privat-Unterkünfte für Übernachtung in Lübeck

Welcome to Lübeck!

Private accommodation for your overnight stay in Lübeck

Hopefully we will soon have many pictures to show you here. If you have a room or a holiday flat you would like to rent out, please contact us!


Hier könnte noch etwas stehen.

Some helpful tips from bed & breakfast Lübeck

Lübeck is a "Free Reichstadt", which also likes to be called the "Queen of the Hanseatic League". Its location at the picturesque harbor on the Obertrave river colors this town, and even today the former power and wealth of the town is apparent: Behnhaus and Drägerhaus, two neighboring houses, where one can tour the late baroque interiors; the imposing Rathaus (city hall), that was described in a 19th century travelogue as a "fairytale in stone"; and the richly decorated Marienkirch (church), the building of which was begun around 1200, and despite the disruption of war still contains a 15th century Sacramental house.

Read more.


City map
Public transit

bed & breakfast Lübeck

bedandbreakfast heike kuhn

Heike Kuhn
Hermannstr. 14 
40233 Düsseldorf

Office hours and prices

Mon-Fri: 9.00 – 15.00

Single rooms from € 27,00 - from € 36,00
Double rooms from € 54,00 - from € 67,00
Apartments from € 34,00 - from € 82,00

Further information


Prices can vary depending on length of stay and season. Please ask the local agency for a concrete offer.

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Take a stroll through the Old Town, and don't miss a quick look into the idyllic back gardens, where one sees the so-called "Wohngänge", or "housing alleys", where, behind the high and wide houses of the rich, the narrow, twisting, crooked houses of the poor Lübeckers were hidden.

Lübeck retains most of its medieval city, and so was named by UNESCO in 1987 as "world culture heritage town". The present-day Lübeck is a pleasure. For example, a coffee at the "Niederegger" in the marketplace where one can sample the delicious, world-known marzipan in its native habitat.

Something special awaits the visitor during the traditional festivals and markets in Lübeck. In May there is a nostalgic market around the Rathaus (city hall), and in July the traditional Lübecker "Volks and Erinnerungsfest" (peoples' and memorial festival) on the Travemünder Allee which opens with a big parade through the city center, and in December artisans and handworkers take over the town.

The old town is surrounded like an island with waters from the Trave river. You can take a city tour by ship or plan a romantic trip by boat to the Ratzeburger Lake.